Earlier today I presented to a group in New Brunswick on Reading/Writing assessment and intervention in a developmental framework (as opposed to standardized achievement batteries). During I had discussed with some attendees about the Kurzweil reading recovery software program. Since several of the attendees were given this website in their information I thought I would provide the details here.
You can take a look at the Kurzweil program by CLICKING HERE.
And by clicking here you will find the primary Canadian distributor that I have crossed paths with over the years.
At its most basic level Kurzweil is a computer based text reader that will allow a child to listen to scanned or digital texts while following along on screen. At a more complex level it is a very strong piece of software that allows students to overcome reading deficits, increase fluency by utilizing a choral or silent read along strategy, as well as increase vocabulary. A similar (and last time I checked cheaper) software that does similar things is called Text Help. But most people agree that Kurzweil is the gold standard.
Other useful software remediation and training tools that can be really helpful are Naturally Speaking (speech-to-text), Inspiration (Visual thinking and learning pattern tool), and iPod friendly books on tape from services like Audible.com.